Become an APS member

Why join APS?
Grow your professional connections while staying informed about the latest news and research.
Find the membership option that's right for you
Meet your goals for advancing in physics, whether you're a student or a scientist at any career level. APS is excited to welcome you into our international physics community.
If you are joining APS for the first time, you will need to create a MyAPS account to get started.
Regular membership
Open to all science professionals and physics enthusiasts
Early-career membership
Open to science professionals up to five years after they have received their final degree
Life membership
With a one-time fee, you can join APS as a lifetime member, which includes free life membership in one division or topical group.
Special membership types
Subsidized dues for students, seniors, unemployed individuals, and others who qualify
Special member categories
Join APS and connect with other physicists at your educational and career level and in your region. APS offers special membership categories for students, as well as scientists who may be retired or who live and work outside the United States.
To support the next generation in physics, APS provides special memberships for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.
Senior scientists
Open to current, qualifying APS members, senior membership is an opportunity for retired physicists to remain engaged with the community.
Scientists outside the United States
We offer reciprocal memberships and free memberships for physicists in less-resourced countries
APS membership options
APS membership is open to all science professionals and physics enthusiasts. We offer generous discounts for students, early-career, and unemployed scientists, among others. Lifetime and senior membership options connect you to the physics community through your career and beyond.
Connect with your community
Network and collaborate with other physicists who share your research interests and career paths, as well as with other physicists in your geographic area of the United States. APS is excited to advance your passion for physics and can connect you to others in your specialty or areas of interest.

APS Chapters
APS chapters support graduate students, postdocs, and early career scientists at their colleges, universities, and national laboratories.

Inclusive Physics
We're committed to fostering a welcoming physics community where everyone passionate about science can succeed.

Industrial Physicists
Connect with others studying and working in the fields of aerospace, automotive, semiconductor, software, biophysics, and more.

Connect with others who share your special interests in physics, advance your career, find mentorship opportunities, and more.
By the numbers
- 50,000
to connect with and grow your network.
- 50
units, chapters, and other interest groups to join.
- 19,000+
Journal articles published in 2021.