Physics Departments

APS supports physics departments with resources as well as networking and skill-building opportunities.
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Toolkit for departments under threat

To assist departments facing budget cuts and declining enrollment, APS provides a toolkit that includes practices physics departments can implement immediately and in the short term, in ways that fit the department’s local context.

View the toolkit

Physics department initiatives

These APS initiatives strengthen physics departments through resources, best practices, and career networking.

The EP3 Guide, created through partnership between APS and the American Association of Physics Teachers, contains actionable practices and resources to support a thriving physics department.

Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green

Advance the needs of programs providing Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs).

This event fosters collaboration and learning between department chairs on topics such as best practices for teaching, increasing enrollment, enhancing student well-being, engaging students with diverse backgrounds, and more.

This partnership between APS, the American Association of Physics Teachers, and the American Astronomical Society is a professional development program for physics and astronomy faculty focused on effective and inclusive teaching practices.

A group of people working together around a table

A welcoming community working to transform physics by enacting strategies to empower departments and laboratories.

Related department resources

Explore more information and resources to support and strengthen your department.

The EPIC report and PIPELINE project detail new approaches to teaching innovation and entrepreneurship in physics.

This report is intended to help physics programs do that. It provides information about the skills and knowledge that employers of physicists are seeking, and describes ways in which physics departments can help students acquire those skills and that knowledge.


A teacher holding a model of molecules while teaching a class

We support physics departments, faculty, and K-12 teachers in preparing the next generation of physics students and physicists.

Two young women, one seated and one standing, study a physics experiment on the table in front of them.

Tools and resources for students and teachers to explore physics education and career options.

Data on physics and related education levels earned by different demographic groups.

A man and woman discussing and taking notes over printed charts and graphs

Discover which demographic groups have earned physics degrees at different education levels over time.

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