Abstract Submission Policies
Share your research with the physics community at APS meetings and events.
APS membership and abstract submission eligibility
APS meeting eligibility
You must be an APS member or member of a reciprocal society to submit an abstract. If you aren't yet a member, you can join APS. If you are a member, please log into your myAPS account to submit your abstract.
If you are an invited speaker or reciprocal society member, you do not need to be APS member to submit an abstract. However, you will need to create an APS web account.
Please review the list of reciprocal societies to learn if you are a member of a reciprocal society.
Unit meeting eligibility
Membership requirements vary when submitting an abstract to unit meetings. Please review upcoming unit meetings on the APS Calendar and the requirements detailed on the appropriate unit event website.
Verifying membership when submitting your abstract
You will need to include your APS membership ID number with your abstract submission. If you are a current member, you can find your membership ID number through your myAPS account.
After joining APS, you will receive your APS membership ID number within 24 hours. If you have joined APS but do not yet have your membership ID number, please enter "membership pending" when submitting our abstract and your membership will be verified after submission.
APS Membership will not issue membership ID numbers during the week of abstract deadlines, so please plan ahead.
Abstract deadlines
Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline to be guaranteed acceptance in the scientific program.
Meeting organizers are not obligated to include contributed abstracts submitted after the deadline.
Upcoming deadlines
Visit the meet meetings and events calendar to find upcoming meetings and submission deadlines.
Abstract submission guidelines
Please refer to the specific abstract submission instructions on the meeting or event website. In general, however, authors should:
- Thoroughly review and edit their abstracts before submitting
- Keep contributed abstract length within the 1,300 character limit
- Add all co-authors before the submission deadline
- Ensure the abstract is relevant to the topical scope of the meeting or event
When submitting your abstract, please include your preference for:
- An oral or poster presentation
- Your preferred presentation time and/or date
- Your preferred order of presentations within a session
At their discretion, event organizers will make an effort to accommodate these scheduling preferences. However, scheduling may be affected by time and space limitations.
Editing abstracts
APS will only correct mistakes and misspellings in the author’s name or affiliation. To edit abstract content, please withdraw the original abstract and resubmit a corrected version before the abstract submission deadline.
You cannot change your abstract content after author notification have been sent to submitters.
Rules for withdrawing abstracts
Please be aware of the following rules regarding abstract withdrawal:
Authorship responsibility
Submission of an abstract signifies unanimous agreement and authorization from all listed authors or the primary contact person of the study. It is the responsibility of the presenter to obtain this consent.
Every listed author is regarded as a submitter and possesses the power to request withdrawal of the abstract at any phase of the submission process. The abstract will be put on hold until all authors have reached an agreement on authorship. If a resolution is not reached by the specified deadline, set by APS, the abstract will be withdrawn from consideration for the program.
Withdrawal process
Abstracts can be withdrawn online before the withdrawal deadline specified in the submitter/presenter confirmation email. After the official withdrawal deadline, withdrawal requests must be submitted via email to APS Abstract Help.
Requestors must provide a clear explanation for withdrawal and promptly notify all other listed authors.
Accepted abstracts will be removed at the conclusion of the program if the presenter fails to register and deliver the presentation.
Conflict resolution
Any disputes or conflicts regarding authorship, submission, or withdrawal should be resolved through open communication and consensus among all involved parties. APS can often not adjudicate authorship disputes and relies on authors and their institutions to find consensus.
Consequences for violation
Violation of these withdrawal rules may result in consequences, including withdrawal of the abstracts, as deemed appropriate by the relevant authorities or institutions. Abstracts will be withdrawn from our programs if they are found to violate research ethical standards.
APS aims to foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and mutual respect among authors and presenters. It is crucial to ensure that all stakeholders are actively involved and informed throughout the submission and presentation process. Through clear guidelines and proactive measures, we can mitigate conflicts and uphold the integrity of our academic community.
Altered or rejected abstracts
APS may alter or reject abstracts based on the appropriateness of the content for the meeting or for other reasons such as:
- Excessive length
- Failure to comply with style guidelines
- Repeated cancellations from the submitter
Contributed abstract guidelines
Contributed abstract submission eligibility
APS members and reciprocal society members may give one technical contributed presentation, either an oral or poster presentation, at March or April Meeting.
APS members may also submit a contributed abstract that lists a non-member as a presenter. The presenter must attend the meeting and give the presentation.
Technical and non-technical contributed submissions
For each presenting author, only one contributed oral abstract on a technical topic will be accepted into the scientific program. At our discretion, APS may accepted additional technical abstracts as poster presentations, if space is available.
An author may submit an additional oral abstract on a non-technical topic, such as education or policy, to present at a session sponsored by an APS Forum or Committee.
At the APS March and April meetings, oral presentations of contributed abstracts are given 10 minutes for presentation and two minutes for questions. Unit meeting presentation times vary.
Submitting and editing contributed abstracts
Please proofread your abstract carefully and thoroughly before submitting. APS will only correct system-generated LaTeX mistakes and misspellings in authors' names or affiliations. APS will not make additional edits, add new authors or reorder the author list.
When submitting your contributed abstract, please do not exceed 1,300 characters and please comply with the submission system style defaults—do not introduce your own formatting in the abstract.
March Meeting abstract edits
Submitters to APS March Meeting may edit abstracts in the online submission system up until the submission deadline.
Contributed abstract acceptance
If your contributed abstract is accepted, APS will notify you via email. You are responsible for confirming your session date and time and requesting changes by contacting APS Abstract Help.
Invited abstract guidelines
Invited speaker eligibility
APS members may be invited to present a scientific abstract at March or April meeting.
Individual speakers may not be invited to speak at two consecutive meetings. That is, an invited speaker who presented at March Meeting 2023 may not present as an invited speaker at March Meeting 2024. Exceptions are made for speakers who will receive APS Prizes and Awards at the meeting.
Please review the speaker nominations instructions for more information.
In addition to their invited presentation, invited speakers may submit one contributed abstract for the scientific program. APS will communicated with invited speakers about submitting their abstracts and registering for the meeting.
Invited speakers must register to attend the meeting where they are presenting. Some invited speakers' registration fees may be sponsored by an APS unit.
Invited abstract submission instructions
Authors and collaborators
Abstracts submitted for an invited speaker may only have that individual as the author. APS suggests that the invited speaker credit collaborating researchers in a footnote in the paper.
During the submission process, an invited speaker can add collaborators as co-authors. However, the invited speaker must give the presentation, unless a replacement speaker is agreed upon beforehand, as discussed with APS Abstract Help.
An invited paper is expected to have 30 minutes for presentation time, plus six minutes for a question and answer session.
Technical and non-technical invited submissions
If you are submitting an invited abstract, you may also submit one additional abstract of a non-technical nature, such as on education, history of physics or public policy. This abstract may be presented at a session, sponsored by an APS forum or committee, of broad concern to the physics community.
Invited abstract character limits
When submitting an invited abstract, please do not exceed the 2,000 character limit for your invited abstract text.
Withdrawing an invited abstract
If you accept an invitation to present but are later unable to do so, please contact APS Abstract Help.
Advice for abstract writing
As an initial summary of your research, your abstract and its title are your first chance to impress your audience and entice them to attend your presentation or read your paper.
When writing your abstract and title, think about your research's relevance and context. How does your research fit into the broad scope of the meeting where you will present?
Effective titles
When crafting an effective title, be sure that it:
- Predicts the abstract contents
- Contains important keywords
- Defines the research's purpose, scope, tone and methods
Parts of an abstract
Good abstracts include many of the parts of a paper, condensed or simplified to the most essential information:
- Introduction
- Previous or relevant references
- The goal of the project
- A description of how that goal was met
- Key results
- Details about why your results are unique or noteworthy
Additional advice
While writing your abstract, also keep the following in mind:
- Stay within the required character or word count
- Use proper submission format—often LaTeX, MS Word or plain text
- Ensure your abstract is understandable without reading the paper or seeing the presentation
- Proofread
- Define acronyms and minimize jargon
Abstract helpline
If you have questions or require assistance in submitting your abstract, please contact the APS Abstract Help team.
Phone: +1 (301) 209-3290 (Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern)
Email: The APS Abstract help team