Student Member Benefits
Free and reduced rates for students
We're dedicated to making student memberships affordable. The first year of membership is free for students joining APS for the first time. Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a degree-granting institution during the current year are eligible for free and reduced membership rates.
In addition to first-year free APS membership, students receive two divisions or topical groups free.
Are you a high school student interested in joining APS? Contact the APS membership department to let us know.
Set yourself up for success with APS membership
Launch your career in physics with APS membership as your entry point into the physics community.
If you are joining APS for the first time, you will need to create a MyAPS account to get started.
Free first year membership
Free membership for students joining APS for the first time and low membership rates in subsequent years
Free subscriptions
Free subscriptions to Physics Today, APS News, and weekly physics alerts
Special member journal pricing
Get APS's Physical Review journals at special rates, including free online access for students.
Expanded connections
Networking opportunities through the APS Membership Directory
Meetings and events
Reduced registration fees at APS meetings and events
Funding opportunities
Opportunities to apply for travel grants and other awards and funding
Hands-on experience
Job, internship, and research experiences for undergraduates (REU) opportunities
Even more benefits
Resources for career advancement, advocacy, physics education, getting published, and more
Be a part of the physics community
Through APS membership, students can connect with other undergraduates and graduates in physics and related fields, grow as leaders, and positively impact their communities.
APS Chapters
APS chapters support graduate students, postdocs, and early career scientists at their colleges, universities, and national laboratories.
Student Ambassadors
Student ambassadors serve as a voice for physics by building inclusive communities at colleges and universities around the world.
Forum on Graduate Student Affairs
Expanding graduate students' involvement in APS and the larger scientific community
Society of Physics Students
Undergraduate members of SPS can join APS for up to three years at no cost.