Membership and Communities
Connect with the physics community
Membership options for every stage of your career
Whether you're a student just starting your journey, an experienced physicist with a distinguished career, or somewhere in between, APS has a membership option for you. We also offer special memberships for unemployed, retired, and other eligible physicists around the world.
Regular membership
Open to all science professionals and physics enthusiasts
Student memberships
Free for the first year, with student-friendly prices as long as you're enrolled
- Undergraduate: $25
- Graduate: $39
Early career membership
Open to science professionals up to five years after they have received their final degree
Senior membership
For current members who have been part of APS for at least a decade and are at least 70 years old or retired.
Find your community with APS units
Connect with others who share your interests
Join us in advancing physics by connecting with other APS members who share your interests.
We offer many community options featuring meetings, newsletters, and online collaboration spaces to help you find others who share your in on the professionals working in your field.