APS Memberships for Physicists Around the World

APS serves as a welcoming global hub with membership options for physicists around the world.
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Two people sitting at a desk reviewing papers

Physicists worldwide have many options for joining APS and making use of APS member benefits.

Less-resourced countries

We offer free membership to physicists living in less-resourced countries through our matching membership program.

Apply for matching membership

Join APS and connect with physicists in the United States and around the world by:

  • Providing a personal statement demonstrating eligibility for the matching membership program
  • Completing the matching membership application

Apply for matching membership today


Becoming a matching member of APS connects you to the U.S. and international physics communities. Matching members receive:

  • Subscriptions to APS News and Physics Today
  • Four years of APS membership
  • Discounted rates for meetings and events

You may also be eligible for free access to the Physical Review journals.

Explore APS member benefits

Matching membership term

Matching memberships are limited to four years, so that we can accommodate as many physicists as possible. After the four-year period, if you are unable to pay APS membership dues, you are welcome to reapply to the matching membership program.

Reciprocal societies

We maintain agreements to share membership privileges with physics societies around the world. Reciprocal society members may:

  • Submit papers to APS meetings with the same privileges as APS members
  • Register for APS meetings at APS member rates

See the list of reciprocal societies

We also encourage reciprocal societies to inform their eligible members of our matching membership program.

Student memberships

APS membership is free for the first year for students joining APS the first time, with significant discounts on membership afterwards while enrolled as an undergrad or graduate student.

Explore student membership benefits

Contact and more information

Please direct questions about matching membership to the APS Membership department.

You may also wish to learn more about our international engagement initiatives.


Two hands exchanging documents

APS provides general visa and related information for physicists traveling internationally to attend scientific meetings and other events.

Lecturer speaks to an audience

APS fosters international collaborations and research sharing across the global physics community.

An APS member at the exhibit hall at March Meeting

Find your professional home in a diverse physics community and actively engage in scientific education, research, and advocacy.

A hand reaching out to touch a hologram-like globe

Through our international outreach activities and worldwide membership, APS serves as a welcoming global hub for physicists from around the world.

Join your Society

If you embrace scientific discovery, truth and integrity, partnership, inclusion, and lifelong curiosity, this is your professional home.