Physics by the Numbers

Data on physics and related education levels earned by different demographic groups.

APS provides statistical data on educational attainment and demographics in physics and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This data can be used by physics educators and those advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in STEM to understand and support diverse and inclusive outreach in physics.

A man and woman discussing and taking notes over printed charts and graphs

Physics education statistics

Discover which demographics groups have earned physics degrees at different education levels over time.
Get physics education data
A Black woman, a Southeast Asian man, and another man looking at a chart on a computer together

Diversity in physics

Find data on the educational attainment and experiences of diverse groups within physics and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Find demographic data


A teacher holding a model of molecules while teaching a class

We support physics departments, faculty, and K-12 teachers in preparing the next generation of physics students and physicists.

Two young women, one seated and one standing, study a physics experiment on the table in front of them.

Tools and resources for students and teachers to explore physics education and career options.

A student and a physicist sitting together at a table at APS March Meeting

We're committed to fostering a welcoming physics community where everyone passionate about science can succeed.

A woman working at a laptop computer.

APS supports physicists and other scientists from the beginning of their education to every stage of their careers.

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