Support the Lars Onsager Prize Endowment

Advance outstanding research in theoretical statistical physics, including the quantum fluids.

Your gift supports research in theoretical statistical physics, including the quantum fluids

The Lars Onsager Prize recognizes outstanding research in theoretical statistical physics, including the quantum fluids.

Your generous support will allow us to endow the Lars Onsager Prize of $10,000, as well as a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient. This prize will encourage and support research in theoretical statistical physics, including in quantum fluids. This prize has been presented annually since 1995, and endowing it will ensure sustained support for excellence in theoretical statistical physics and quantum fluids.

Support the Onsager Prize

About Lars Onsager

This prize honors the memory and unique spirit of Lars Onsager and his passion for analytical results. Onsager invented the theory of quantized vortices in superfluid helium and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1968 for his discovery of reciprocal relations in thermodynamics.

Learn more about the Lars Onsager Prize

Donors like you have helped us to raise $100,318.30 of our $130,000 goal.

Donate to the Onsager Prize endowment

Thank you to our donors

  1. Anonymous
  2. APS Division of Condensed Matter Physics
  3. Google LLC
  4. Topical Group on Statistical & Nonlinear Physics
  5. Stefan Andreev
  6. Victor Bapst
  7. John Bechhoefer
  8. Kim and Yisroel Brumer
  9. Bruce Bunker
  10. David K. Campbell
  11. Paul Chaikin
  12. Patrick Charbonneau
  13. Shirley Chiang
  14. Morrel H. Cohen
  15. Jay Dorfman
  16. Douglas Durian
  17. Eduardo Fradkin
  18. Steven Girvin
  19. Alexander Gramolin
  20. Gary Grest
  21. Bertrand and Helena Halperin
  22. Thomas Halsey
  23. Peter Hanggi
  24. Frances Hellman and Warren Breslau
  25. Peter Hirschfeld
  26. Robert and Patricia Hosken
  27. Chris Jarzynski
  28. John Kosterlitz
  29. Enkeleida Lushi
  30. Jon and Betsy Machta
  31. Alexis Malozemoff
  32. Lisa Manning and Will Wylie
  33. Cristina Marchetti and Mark Bowick
  34. Pat and David Nelson
  35. Sid Redner
  36. John J. Rehr
  37. Cynthia Reichhardt
  38. Yunqi Shao
  39. B. Shastry
  40. Stephen Shenker
  41. James L. and Carol A. Smith
  42. Soheil Soghadi
  43. Cherrill Spencer
  44. Stephen Teitsworth
  45. Chandra Varma
  46. Tamas Vicsek
  47. Smitha Vishveshwara
  48. Ben Vollmayr-Lee
  49. Eric R. Weeks
  50. Thomas Witten
  51. Sho Yaida
  52. Clare Yu
  53. Emma Zajdela

Ways to give

Donate to APS through the most convenient and secure methods for you.

Help recognize and enhance outstanding achievements of early-career scientists in the interdisciplinary area of precision measurement and fundamental constants and encourage the wide dissemination of the research results.

Reach out to us for a form to give through a wire transfer.

Write a check payable to the American Physical Society and include the name of the award in the memo. Mail your gift to:

Kevin Kase, Director of Development
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740

Help APS sustain a strong and inclusive physics community, positively impacting the lives of researchers, students, educators, and the general public.


Please email the APS fundraising team with questions.


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