APS General Election

Meet the candidates for the 2024 general election.

Meet the candidates

In the 2024 General Election, APS members have the opportunity to elect a new Vice President, Treasurer, General Councilor, International Councilor, and Chair-Elect of the Nominating Committee. The polls are open from Monday, July 8 through Friday, August 16, 2024.

Get to know this year’s candidates, and vote for those you feel will best represent the interests of APS. Those who are elected will begin their terms on January 1, 2025.

Once again, APS has partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems to administer the election via email. To make sure that you receive a ballot, add noreply@directvote.net to your approved sender list. To request a paper ballot, contact governance@aps.org.

Candidates for Vice President

The 2025 APS Vice President will serve as APS President in 2027. The Vice President is an Officer of the Society and a member of the APS Board of Directors, which is responsible for the overall governance, affairs, and financial well-being of APS.

Candidates for Treasurer

The Treasurer is an Officer of the Society and a member of the APS Board of Directors, responsible for oversight of both financial affairs and deployment of financial resources to best achieve the mission of the Society.

Candidates for General Councilor

Most Councilors are elected by an APS unit, but General Councilors are elected by the entire APS membership. They represent the membership-at-large and ensure diversity or specialized expertise on the Council of Representatives.

Candidates for International Councilor

International Councilors reside outside of the United States and provide the Council with an international perspective.

Candidates for Chair-Elect of the Nominating Committee

The Chair-Elect of the Nominating Committee will serve a three-year term, becoming Chair in 2026. The Nominating Committee is responsible for determining candidates for the APS General Election.

APS wishes to acknowledge all of this year’s candidates for their willingness to volunteer time and help guide the Society’s best interests.

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.


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Young-Kee Kim

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