Public policy report

Attracting the Best Students in the World to U.S. Universities: Challenges and Opportunities

Recent surveys by the American Physical Society of physics department chairs and international physics students reveal that the U.S. is losing its ability to attract the best students in the world, with an average two-year decline of -22% in international applications to physics departments outside the top tier. International students are experiencing numerous challenges in coming to the U.S., and they are seeing growing opportunities outside the U.S.

This decline is an advanced warning of rising economic risk to the U.S. A country’s ability to attract the best students in the world provides a critical competitive advantage that imparts essential innovation and generates the highest caliber STEM workforce for domestic industry.

Fortunately, the recent surveys also indicate that appropriate federal policies can reverse the downward trend. The data shows that making the F-1 visa “dual intent” and providing a clear path to a green card for international students who earn advanced STEM degrees from U.S. institutions will help restore the U.S. as a competitive destination of-choice for the world’s top students.

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