
Women in Physics Group Grants

The APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) offers grants to women in physics (WiP) groups at colleges and universities in the U.S. and internationally. The purpose of these grants is to support the CSWP mission of recruiting and retaining women in physics at the undergraduate or graduate level. WiP groups are uniquely able to address this mission locally by encouraging and supporting the participation of women in their departments.

Rules and eligibility

Eligible applicants and activities

Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply on behalf of their college or university’s WiP group. The group’s faculty advisor must be an American Physical Society (APS) member. The grant can be used to start a WiP group or enhance an existing one.

Ways to use the grant to further a WiP group:

  • Visit a local high school classroom to talk about physics
  • Set up a research expo, poster session, or guest lecture
  • Implement a book club or journal club
  • Coordinate with other STEM advocacy groups on joint events
  • Plan other creative ways to engage women in physics

Grant money can be applied toward networking events, mentoring meetups, career workshops, lab tours, field trips, and similar initiatives. Be sure to mention how your plans are well-suited to the type and size of your department. Preference will be given to proposals that show high potential for sustainability after the grant term ends.

Some examples of successful activities and events that other groups have conducted include:

  • Collaborations with local Society of Physics Students chapters
  • Social events such as movie nights, game nights, painting parties, afternoon teas, brunches, and similar get-togethers
  • Career development events such as colloquiums featuring women speakers and career talks
  • First-year events for incoming physics students

Funding cannot be used for travel support to meetings or scholarships for individual students, nor for marketing expenses such as advertising posters or swag.

Grant terms

The terms for each WiP grant are as follows:

  • Group leaders must complete the 10-minute survey once while applying for the grant, and again at the end of each academic year.
  • Funds will be distributed as one lump sum to a group account to be used within a one or two year period ending on Oct. 31.
  • Grant money cannot be used to cover university overhead or indirect costs.
  • A brief report on activities and expenditures is required at the end of each term. A template for the report will be provided by APS. Send the report to the APS Women in Physics team and copy your department chair.
  • Groups will acknowledge APS support on websites, social media, and event flyers.


Sustainability will be evaluated by considering whether:

  • Activities are one-time or recurring beyond the funding period
  • The department and/or university is financially supporting the group
  • The group has a plan for, or experience with, leadership transition
  • First- and second-year students are active and move into leadership
  • The group is a registered student organization and/or is promoted by the department

For new groups, describing plans to become sustainable is sufficient.

Additional resources for applicants and grantees

When planning your activities and events, you may find the following resources helpful:

General resources for advancing your education and career in physics are also available through APS, as are further opportunities to get involved with APS and the physics community.

Process and selection

Any questions about the application process should be directed to the Women in Physics Group Grants team.

Application materials

To apply for a Women in Physics Group grant, please prepare and submit the following materials in one PDF:

  1. Include a cover sheet with the applicant’s name, address, phone number, and email. The cover sheet should also include the names of your WiP group, department, and college/university; your faculty advisor’s name, address, phone number, and email; the total amount of funding requested, and whether your group is recognized as a student organization by the department or college/university (including whether or not it is a registered student organization).
  2. If you are applying as part of an existing WiP group, please also include a list of group officers and whether they are APS members, the date the group was established, and your estimate of the current membership and/or event participation on your cover sheet.
  3. Your application should also include a brief summary (one page or less) of the leadership structure of your group, including each position’s responsibilities and how leadership is transferred.
  4. You will also need to include a narrative description (up to two pages) that lists the activities of your group, how these reflect the goals of the WiP program, and the impact on your campus.
  5. Please also submit a budget sheet (one page) that lists the funding amount(s) requested and a short justification for each amount (e.g., “We request $300 to provide refreshments for our scientific journals club. Our eight monthly meetings average about 10 participants.”)
  6. If your group has received support under this program during the last two years, you should include a one-half page summary of what was done with the funds and what the impact was.
  7. You will also need to provide a letter of support from a faculty advisor, who is also an APS member.
  8. Additionally, you should also submit a letter of support from your department chair, if different from the faculty advisor, addressing how the department will help sustain the program. The letter should indicate any commitment of financial support from the department.
  9. If your institution does not currently have a WiP group, please also submit your plan to become a registered student organization at your college or university.

You will submit the PDF with these materials online after taking an application pre-survey and filling out an application form. Once your application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email.

Selection criteria

The application will be scored using the following criteria:

  • Two points: Proposal funds events supporting recruitment and/or retention of undergraduate or graduate women in physics. Social and professional development events are good. Marketing costs and support for individual students (travel and/or scholarships) are not.
  • One point: Proposal shows high potential for sustainability after the grant term ends.
  • One point: Strength of support letters (faculty advisor and department chair).
  • If the faculty advisor is not an APS member, the application will be rejected.
  • If the request exceeds $1,000, the application will be rejected.

Preference is given to those that have not received previous support from a WiP Group Grant.

Establishment and support

To support the recruitment and retention of women in physics, the APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics offers Women in Physics group grants to create and strengthen Women in Physics groups across the U.S., as well as around the world. Women in Physics strives to help students develop their scientific communities, reduce isolation, and find mentors and advocates.

Grants awarded

In 2024, 24 awards were made totaling $22,860. A list of award winners is available upon request to the Women in Physics Group Grants team.

APS Honors recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of the global physics community. Guided by our core values, APS Honors encourages nominations that reflect the full range of talent, distinction, and experience in our field, and that we broadly canvass for professional achievement across diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise.

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.

Women in Physics Group Grants


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