Richard A. Isaacson Award in Gravitational-Wave Science
This award recognizes outstanding contributions in gravitational-wave physics, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and the technologies that enable this science.
The annual award consists of $5,000, a certificate, travel reimbursement and a registration waiver to attend the APS April Meeting to give an invited talk and accept the award.
Rules and eligibility
Any scientist or engineer who has made outstanding contributions to gravitational-wave physics and/or gravitational-wave astrophysics, or to the technologies which enable gravitational-wave science, is eligible. It is preferred that the award be given to a single person, but if deemed appropriate by the selection committee, the award may be shared by two or more people when all recipients have contributed roughly equally to the work being honored. Nominations will be considered for three review cycles provided the nominator re-certifies the nomination before the next deadline.
Process and selection
A nomination consists of:
- The nominee’s name, institution, and contact information
- A suggested citation (usually citations do not include the person’s name, and start with “For...”. See the APS prize and award recipients page for examples. Limit the citation to 300 characters or less, including spaces)
- A nomination letter evaluating the nominee's qualifications in the light of the particular features of the prize or award and identifying the specific work or achievement to be recognized
- At least two, but no more than four, letters of support
- Complete a provided demographics form (if known/wish to specify age, gender, race, and ethnicity of the nominee).
- The nominee’s CV or biosketch (optional)
- A list of the nominee’s most important publications (optional)
- Up to five reprints or preprints (optional)
All files must be written in English and uploaded in PDF format. Letters must be on letterhead, dated, and signed physically or with an electronic signature. Include the name of the nominee in the filenames.
Selection Committee
- Emanuele Berti (Chair)
- Laura Cadonati
- Manuela Campanelli
- Michele Vallisneri
- Peter Fritschel
Establishment and support
This award has been made possible through the generous support of Kip S. Thorne and Rainer Weiss. It honors the contributions of Richard Isaacson, retired Program Director of Gravitational Physics at the National Science Foundation, to the development of LIGO and to the entire field of gravitational-wave physics.
Recent recipients
Frederick J. Raab
2025 recipient
For many seminal contributions to gravitational-wave science, including co-leading the LIGO construction proposal, achieving unprecedented strain sensitivities on the 40m prototype interferometer, skillful leading of the LIGO Hanford Observatory from its genesis through the era of the first detections, and passionate outreach to the scientific community and the public.
Manuela Campanelli
2024 recipient
For extraordinary contributions to and leadership in the understanding and simulation of merging binaries of compact objects in strong-field gravity.
Emanuele Berti
2023 recipient
For contributions to gravitational-wave science through groundbreaking studies of black hole quasinormal modes, higher multipole radiation, astrophysical detection rates, spin evolution, and tests of general relativity, and for leadership in preparing impactful white papers and review articles.
Peter Fritschel
2022 recipient
For over three decades of key contributions to instrumentation for gravitational-wave detectors, and in particular for scientific leadership in the design and commissioning of Advanced LIGO, enabling the first detection of gravitational waves and the many detections that followed.
Beverly K. Berger
2021 recipient
For supporting and expanding the community of scientists engaged in gravitational-wave research, and for fostering an international network of researchers devoted to theory and experimentation.
APS Honors recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of the global physics community. Guided by our core values, APS Honors encourages nominations that reflect the full range of talent, distinction, and experience in our field, and supports broad canvassing for professional achievement across diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise.
Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.