Loyal Donors Circle

Thank you to our Loyal Donors

Honoring APS's consecutive donors of 10 or more years

Through continuous giving, you expand and create opportunities for the physics community and support the future of physics. You have demonstrated financial commitment to our community each year for the past decade, whether your gifts were $5, $50, $200, or more.

Together with the Legacy Circle, you sustain the mission of APS.

Become a Loyal Donor

Contact APS Development to become part of the Loyal Donors Circle.

Current Loyal Donor Circle members

You are an invaluable part of APS and we are grateful for your dedication to advancing our physics community. Thank you, members of the APS Loyal Donors Circle:


  • Frank Adams
  • Stephen Adler
  • Nikolay Agladze
  • Glenn Agnolet
  • Mercedes Agogino
  • Daniel Akerib
  • Moorad Alexanian
  • Robert Anderl
  • Charles Anderson
  • Scott Anderson
  • Petros Argyres
  • Paul Avery
  • Susan Axline
  • David Ayres


  • Frank Baiocchi
  • Mira Bakshi
  • Samuel Baldwin
  • Bryan Bandong
  • Alexis Baratoff
  • R. Barker
  • Gregory Barrick
  • Donald Batchelor
  • Alice Bean
  • Bret Beck
  • Donald Beck
  • Norman Belecki
  • Ali Belkacem
  • Georg Berg
  • David Berg
  • Luc Berger
  • Beverly Berger
  • Richard Berger
  • Santiago Bernal
  • Donald Bethune
  • Sergey Bezrukov
  • Barton Billard
  • Richard Bionta
  • Norman Birge
  • John Black
  • Leslie Bland
  • Fred Blum
  • Philip Blythe
  • Carolus Boekema
  • Peter Bond
  • Charles Bordner
  • Randy Bos
  • Georg Both
  • Lawrence Bradford
  • LeAnn Brasure
  • James Brau
  • Joseph Brill
  • Robert Brooks
  • Charles Brown
  • Ludwig Bruch
  • Francois Brunel
  • Patricia Burchat


  • James Callen
  • Brian Canfield
  • Corrado Cardarelli
  • Thomas Carlstrom
  • Nicholas Carrera
  • Carlton Caves
  • Peter Celliers
  • Charles Cerjan
  • Sudip Chakravarty
  • Frank Chambers
  • Vincent Chan
  • Colston Chandler
  • Chellis Chasman
  • Chia-Ling Chien
  • Mokhtar Chmeissani
  • Moohyun Cho
  • Alan Chodos
  • Ming Chu
  • Leonardo Civale
  • Jolie Cizewski
  • Kenneth Claiborne
  • Douglas Clarke
  • John Clarke
  • Richard Cline
  • Bruce Cohen
  • William Coles
  • Benjamin Cooper
  • S. Lance Cooper
  • Francis Correll
  • Charles Coston
  • Robert Cousins
  • David Cox
  • Thomas Crowley
  • David Cutts
  • Peter Cziffra


  • Pawel Danielewicz
  • James Danielson
  • Timothy Darling
  • Dale Darling
  • Joseph Daugherty
  • Paul Davies
  • Senarath De Alwis
  • Gilles De Wijs
  • Pablo Debenedetti
  • Paul Debevec
  • Mary Derengowski
  • C. DeVore
  • Richard Dick
  • Michael Dipirro
  • Fred Dix
  • Lance Dixon
  • Jay Dorfman
  • Janis Dote
  • Michael Douglas
  • Scott Douglass
  • Michael Dowell
  • Adam Drobot
  • Donald Duncan
  • Charles Dunn
  • Loyal Durand
  • Elizabeth Dussan
  • Dipangkar Dutta
  • Sudeep Dutta
  • Robert Dwyer


  • Stephen Early
  • Robert Ecke
  • Alan Edwards
  • Robert Eisenstein
  • Alan Eisner
  • Lamiaa El Fassi
  • Celia Elliott
  • Stephen Ellis
  • Matthew Enjalran
  • Ronald Enstrom
  • Gerald Epstein
  • Dennis Erickson
  • Harold Evans
  • William Evenson


  • Owen Facey
  • Tony Fainberg
  • William Fawley
  • Steven Federman
  • Carl Feickert
  • Benedict Feinberg
  • Stephen Ferguson
  • John Ferron
  • James Finley
  • Shalom Fisher
  • Martin Flannery
  • William Fogle
  • Raymond Folse
  • William Ford
  • Nathanael Fortune
  • Eduardo Fradkin
  • Albert Franco
  • Stephen Friedman
  • Klaus Fritsch
  • James Fry
  • Don Fujino
  • Hiroyuki Fukui
  • Richard Furnstahl


  • Carl Gagliardi
  • Gregg Gallatin
  • Susan Gardner
  • G. Garosi
  • Clayton Gearhart
  • Peter Gehring
  • Walter Gekelman
  • Elizabeth George
  • Don Germano
  • Bita Ghaffari
  • Joseph Giaime
  • Bruce Gibbard
  • Sarah Gilbert
  • Larry Gladney
  • Henry Glyde
  • Robert Godwin
  • Michael Golde
  • Alfred Goshaw
  • Christopher Gould
  • Thomas Graham
  • Alexander Gramolin
  • James Greene
  • Gary Grest
  • Donald Grether
  • Roger Griffioen
  • David Griffiths
  • Edward Grissing
  • James Grochocinski
  • Donald Groom
  • David Grosnick


  • Richard Haglund
  • Thomas Hahs
  • Gregory E. Hall
  • Larry Hall
  • Douglas Hamilton
  • William Hamilton
  • Cherif Hamzaoui
  • H. Hart
  • Martin Harwit
  • Leigh Harwood
  • John Hastings
  • Charles Hawkins
  • Steve Heald
  • Blayne Heckel
  • Richard Helmer
  • Carl Helms
  • Jan Herbst
  • Dean Herr
  • John Hill
  • Allan Hoffman
  • Jonathan Hoffman
  • Daniel Hone
  • Evelyn Hu
  • Noah Hurst
  • Mark Hybertsen


  • Hiroshi Ichise
  • Gerhard Ingold
  • Benjamin Irvin
  • Akio Ishida
  • Ralph Isler
  • Wayne Itano
  • Yoh Itoh


  • Howard Jackson
  • Peter Jacobs
  • Robert Jaffe
  • John Jaros
  • David Jasnow
  • Antti-Pekka Jauho
  • Thomas Jernigan
  • David Johnson
  • Robert Johnson
  • David Johnston
  • J. Jonas
  • Robert Jones
  • Thomas Jones


  • Nobuyuki Kambe
  • Jagadisan Kandaswamy
  • John Karanikas
  • Michel Karatchentzeff
  • Osamu Karatsu
  • Michael Kash
  • Phillip Keegstra
  • Thomas Kelsall
  • James Kendall
  • Paul Keyes
  • Charles King
  • Philip King
  • Thomas King
  • Paul King
  • Edward Kinney
  • Kate Kirby
  • William Kirchhoff
  • Earl Kirkland
  • F. Kleinhans
  • John Klepeis
  • Stephen Knox
  • James Knudson
  • Peter Koehler
  • Gerard Kopcsay
  • Laird Kramer
  • V. Krishnamurthy
  • Jurgen Kubler
  • Philip Kuntz
  • Sergey Kurennoy
  • Munson Kwok


  • Sheung Lam
  • Frederick Lamb
  • Steven Lambert
  • P. Lambropoulos
  • Charles Lane
  • Robert Lanou
  • Louis Lanzerotti
  • John Larabee
  • Bennett Larson
  • Charles Lasnier
  • John Lau
  • Allan Laufer
  • Fritz Lauriston
  • James Lavine
  • Walter Lawrence
  • Siu-Au Lee
  • Martin Legare
  • Anthony Leggett
  • Mark Leising
  • Thomas Lemberger
  • Judah Levine
  • Wenhui Li
  • Stephen Libby
  • Peter Limon
  • Chun Lin
  • Li-Jen Lin
  • Rulon Linford
  • David Look
  • Robert Lourie
  • Richard Loveless
  • Michael Lubin
  • Vera Luth
  • John Luthe
  • David Lynch


  • Douglas MacLaughlin
  • Richard Magno
  • Yousef Makdisi
  • John Marriner
  • Tom Marshall
  • Kuniaki Masai
  • Christopher Mauche
  • Robert Maurer
  • Kevin McCarty
  • Rebecca McCraw
  • Dean McCumber
  • George McKee
  • F. Barry McLean
  • Thomas Mcnab
  • Thomas Mehlhorn
  • Gregory Meisner
  • William Metcalf
  • Curtis Meyer
  • Bradley Meyer
  • John Missimer
  • Yoichi Mito
  • Luke Mo
  • Michael Moe
  • David Moir
  • Laurens Molenkamp
  • Ernest Moniz
  • Stephen Montgomery
  • Elizabeth Moog
  • Charles Morehouse
  • John Moriarty
  • Toshio Motoba
  • Theodore Moustakas
  • George Mueller
  • Cherry Murray


  • John Nagle
  • Mark Nagumo
  • Sumita Nandi
  • Martin Neumann
  • James Niederer
  • Richard Nightingale


  • William O'Connell
  • Terry O'Dwyer
  • Grant O'Rielly
  • Kendal Ogilvie
  • Rene Ong
  • Aare Onton
  • Neil Ottenstein


  • Lyman Page
  • Andrea Pagliarin
  • Surendra Pandey
  • Yuan Pang
  • Richard Partridge
  • C. Kumar Patel
  • Ritchie Patterson
  • Anthony Pawlicki
  • Jerry Peacher
  • John Pearson
  • Claudio Pellegrini
  • Edward Perkins
  • Michael Peskin
  • Wayne Pfeiffer
  • Charles Pfeiffer
  • J. Phelan
  • Julia Phillips
  • William Phillips
  • David Pirkle
  • Claude Plante
  • Robert Plummer
  • Ray Pollock
  • Walter Potzel
  • John Preskill
  • Lawrence Price
  • Morris Pripstein
  • Philip Pritchett
  • Robert Prohaska


  • Chris Quigg


  • Johannes Raab
  • John Raitt
  • David Rakov
  • Arthur Ramirez
  • Tirumala Ranganath
  • P. Rao
  • Robert Ray
  • Donald Reago
  • Edward Redish
  • Sidney Redner
  • Jean Reed
  • Don Reeder
  • David Reese
  • Jonathan Reichert
  • Hallsie Reno
  • Wayne Repko
  • C. Reynolds
  • Stephen Reynolds
  • Edward Rezayi
  • Edward Richley
  • Lee Riedinger
  • Steve Ritz
  • Hugh Robinson
  • Arthur Robinson
  • Kenneth Rogers
  • Thomas Rognlien
  • David Rohlfing
  • Richard Rosati
  • Carl Rosenfeld
  • Robert Rosenstein
  • Jonathan Rosner
  • Balazs Rozsnyai
  • Morton Rubin
  • Roy Rubinstein


  • Hans Sachse
  • Robert Sahakyan
  • W. Sapp
  • Didier Saumon
  • David Schaich
  • Heidi Schellman
  • Stephen Schery
  • Stephen Schiff
  • Dietrich Schinzel
  • Beate Schmittmann
  • John Schroeder
  • Reinhardt Schuhmann
  • Peter Schultz
  • Ray E. Sears
  • William Self
  • Legesse Senbetu
  • Raymond Seraydarian
  • Frederick Serr
  • Paul Shand
  • Peter Sheehey
  • Stephen Shenker
  • Bruce Sherwood
  • Howard Shields
  • Jon Shirley
  • Michael Shlesinger
  • Melvyn Shochet
  • Uri Shumlak
  • Bernd Siebert
  • Manfred Sigrist
  • Robert Silberstein
  • Arnold Silver
  • Charles Sinclair
  • Pekka Sinervo, C.M.
  • Irl Smith
  • Robert Smith
  • Roger Smith
  • Steven Smith
  • Wesley Smith
  • James Smith
  • Richard Smith
  • Kermit Smyth
  • Daniel Sober
  • Mark Sosebee
  • Carl Sovinec
  • Stephen St. John
  • Barry Stallard
  • Gojko Stare
  • Stephen Steadman
  • Raymond Stefanski
  • George Stephans
  • Gerard Stephenson
  • George Sterman
  • Mark Stiles
  • James Stith
  • Ian Stockdale
  • Christian Stoller
  • Ray Stout
  • Edward Strait
  • James Strait
  • Roger Strharsky
  • Robert Sugar
  • Marilyn Sullivan
  • Mark Sundquist
  • Richard Sutherland
  • John Sutter
  • Bob Svendsen
  • Paul Swartz


  • Frank Tabakin
  • F. Tangherlini
  • David Tanner
  • Uwe Tauber
  • James Taylor
  • Judith Temperley
  • Jerry Tersoff
  • George Tessler
  • Lawrence Thomas
  • Alan Thompson
  • Harold Thompson
  • J. Thomsen
  • Thomas Throwe
  • Maury Tigner
  • Roger Tobin
  • Javier Torner
  • David Tracy
  • John Tranquada
  • Samuel Trickey
  • John Turneaure
  • Michael Turner


  • John Ullmann
  • Shunsuke Usami


  • Patrick Vaccaro
  • Arkady Vainshtein
  • Jean-Francois Van Huele
  • Arthur Van Rheenen
  • Harold Vander Molen
  • David Vanderbilt
  • Charles Vane
  • Larry Varnell
  • Robert Varner
  • James Vary
  • Lynn Veeser
  • Boris Veytsman
  • Flemming Videbaek
  • David Vier
  • Oscar Vilches
  • James Visintainer
  • Silvia Volker
  • Thomas Von Foerster
  • Tycho Von Rosenvinge
  • Jan Vrtilek


  • Thomas Walcher
  • Fred Walls
  • Ronald Walton
  • Bennie Ward
  • Patrick Warren
  • Nancy Weatherill
  • Xiangdong Wei
  • Matthew Weidmann
  • Michael Weinert
  • Alan Weinstein
  • Ulrich Welp
  • Richard Werbeck
  • John Wheeler
  • Edward Whittaker
  • Klaus Widmann
  • Carl Wieman
  • Theodore Wilczek
  • Gerald Wilemski
  • Robert Williams
  • John Willis
  • Michael Winokur
  • Thomas Winter
  • Robert Wiringa
  • Stephen Wolbers
  • Harry Woodcock
  • Michael Wortis
  • Gordon Wozniak
  • Ying Wu
  • Ching-Yen Wu


  • Youwen Xu


  • Robert Yamartino
  • York-Peng Yao
  • Yin Yeh
  • Kenneth Young
  • Clare Yu
  • Hyuk Yu
  • Peter Yu
  • Bernard Yurke


  • William Zajc
  • Daniel Zeroka
  • Bing Zhou
  • William Zimmermann


APS is grateful to the individuals and organizations for their generosity in lifetime giving over $100,000.

Newton pendulum balls

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