Fall 2019 American Physical Society Prize and Award Recipients Announced
The American Physical Society (APS) has announced the Society’s Fall 2019 prize and award recipients. The Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP), and Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) will present these prizes and awards in the fall, recognizing the outstanding achievements and contributions of these scientists to the field.
With few exceptions, APS prizes and awards are open to all members of the scientific community in the U.S. and abroad. The nomination and selection procedure, involving APS-appointed selection committees, guarantees their high standards and prestige. These honors are highly regarded, and represent critical recognition from the recipients' most discerning audience, their peers.
The new honorees are:
Fluid Dynamics Prize
Alexander Smits, Princeton University
"For transformative contributions to the measuring and understanding of wall turbulence in extreme Reynolds and Mach number regimes, for pioneering research on bio-inspired propulsion, and in recognition of exemplary technical leadership, mentoring, and community service."
James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics
William Matthaeus, University of Delaware
"For pioneering research into the nature of turbulence in space and astrophysical plasmas, which has led to major advances in understanding particle transport, dissipation of turbulent energy, and magnetic reconnection."
Stanley Corrsin Award
Jeffrey Morris, Levich Institute, City College of New York
“For outstanding contributions that elucidate the microscopic basis of the flow properties of suspensions, and their influence on macroscopic flow phenomena.”
John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research
Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Gianluca Gregori, University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory
Donald Lamb, University of Chicago
Alexander Schekochihin, University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory
Petros Tzeferacos, University of Chicago
“For innovative experiments that demonstrate turbulent dynamo in the laboratory, establishing laboratory experiments as a component in the study of turbulent magnetized plasmas, and opening a new path to laboratory investigations of other astrophysical processes.”
Stuart Jay Freedman Award in Experimental Nuclear Physics
Or Hen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"For innovative, wide-ranging experiments that found important manifestations of nuclear neutron-proton short-range correlations."
Thomas H. Stix Award for Outstanding Early Career Contributions to Plasma Physics Research
William Fox, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
"For original and seminal experiments, supported by simulations, on magnetic reconnection, the ion Weibel instability, and shocks in laboratory astrophysics."
Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics
Peter Balogh, Rutgers University
"For the development of a high-fidelity, versatile numerical methodology to simulate flow of deformable blood cells in dense suspension through highly complex geometries, and for providing insights to the physics of blood flow in physiologically realistic microvascular capillary networks."
Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award
Noah Hurst, University of California, San Diego
"For the development of electron-plasma-based techniques to study two-dimensional vortex dynamics in the presence of strong external flows and for investigation of the stability and self-organization of vortices in strain flows."
For more information on the recipients, please visit the APS Honors webpage.
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