Recipient Payment Procedures
Most recipients of APS prizes and awards receive a stipend payment and travel reimbursement to deliver an invited talk and accept the honor at an APS meeting.
All payments and travel reimbursements are made via ACH direct deposit to US bank accounts or wire transfer for non-US bank accounts. APS does not issue paper checks or reimburse for bank fees associated with wire transfers.
Stipend payments
Bank information and tax documents are required for stipend payments. Pending receipt of the appropriate documents, stipends are paid by ACH or wire transfer around the time of the meeting at which the honor is presented.
Travel expense reimbursements
Bank information is required for travel reimbursements. The APS Honors team will provide a travel expense form that should be filled out and returned with the relevant receipts, which are required for all expenses except per diem meals.
Pending receipt of the appropriate documents, travel reimbursements are paid by ACH or wire transfer within two weeks after submission. The maximum amount covered is listed on each page for the specific award, prize, or other honor. If no amount is specified, the maximum amount is $500 for dissertation awards, $1,000 for early career awards, and $2,000 for all other honors.
In exceptional cases, APS will issue a travel advance to help a recipient attend the meeting. Once the meeting is over, and the expense form has been returned with the relevant receipts, APS will either reimburse the recipient for the difference, or request a refund of the unused amount of the advance, as appropriate. To request a travel advance, please contact the APS Honors team.
APS will cover economy airfare for a recipient to attend the meeting at which the prize or award is presented. Recipients are urged to book the least expensive fares consistent with reasonable convenience. APS will cover a checked baggage charge for one bag, but will not cover other incidentals like fees to change flights or upgrade seats.
APS will cover the recipient's stay in one of the official conference hotels, at the conference rate, for a maximum of three nights.
If the recipient asks for reimbursement for more than three nights, it must be because of the necessity of attending both the prizes and awards ceremony and the invited talk session.
Recipients can charge their meals either while at the meeting or while traveling to or from the meeting at a per diem rate of $40 for dinner and $20 each for breakfast or lunch. A recipient may instead charge individual meals, which requires receipts for each meal charged, provided the meals are not exorbitantly in excess of the per diem rate. All meals must be either per diem or individually charged; mixing of the two modes is not permitted.
The registration fee for the recipient's attendance at the appropriate APS meeting is waived. The recipient must register for the meeting using the link provided in the invitation letter received from the APS Meetings team once the recipient's attendance and talk are confirmed.
APS will cover incidentals normally associated with travel, such as taxi or shuttle fares, tolls, mileage, and parking. APS will not cover other incidentals like in-room wifi or fees for other hotel services.