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APS Appoints New Publisher

Asia-Pacific region publishing manager for UK Institute of Physics to join top management staff of the American Physical Society.

Published Dec. 1, 2015

Matthew Salter will join the APS senior management team as publisher in January 2016 with responsibility for the business aspects of the society’s journal operations.

Matthew Salter

"I am delighted to be joining APS as publisher and I look forward to the opportunity of working with colleagues to grow and develop the APS publishing program. It is an honor to be part of the world's largest physical society and to be associated with its prestigious journal portfolio" Salter said.

Before moving to APS, Salter was associate director for journals in the Asia-Pacific region based in the Tokyo office of IOP Publishing. Prior to that, he was Asia-Pacific publisher at MacMillan Science Communication, the parent company of Nature Publishing Group.

“Matthew will be working to ensure that our journals continue to excel in serving the physics community," said APS Chief Executive Officer Kate Kirby.

Salter received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Imperial College London and has held research and teaching positions at Tohoku University in Japan, King’s College London, and the University of Tokyo. He is a native English speaker, fluent in Japanese, and also speaks Mandarin Chinese and Korean.

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