APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Michael Dennin [2021]
University of California, Irvine
Citation: For positively impacting educational policy at the national, state, and campus levels, and for work as an ambassador for physics through outstanding communication and popularization of the ideas and applicability of physics in numerous public forums, and through extensive media appearances.
Nominated by: FPS

Laura Grego [2021]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Union of Concerned Scientists
Citation: For producing significant, highly influential technical and policy analyses of critical issues in international security and arms control, especially in the areas of missile defense, space weapons, and space security, and for sustained activities that have engaged and educated students, colleagues, policy makers, and the public about these issues.
Nominated by: FPS

Mary B. James [2021]
Reed College
Citation: For outstanding contributions to improving access, inclusion, equity, and mentorship in physics, including as co-chair of the TEAM-UP Task Force, speaking at CUWiP conferences, and as Dean for Institutional Diversity at Reed College.
Nominated by: FPS

Christopher L. Martin [2021]
The Kavli Foundation
Citation: For a broad range of contributions to science, including supporting South Pole winter overs, service as a AAAS Legislative Fellow in the US Congress, initiating influential futures meetings in astrophysics and neuroscience, nurturing Kavli Institutes, and advocating for equitable global science.
Nominated by: FPS

Zia Mian [2021]
Princeton University
Citation: For promoting global nuclear risk reduction and disarmament through academic research, public speaking, technical and popular writing, and organizing efforts.
Nominated by: FPS

Joel R. Parriott [2021]
American Astronomical Society
Citation: For sustained, influential public policy work supporting, mentoring, and generating community-based input to scientific decision-making at the national level.
Nominated by: FPS

Anna M. Quider [2021]
Northern Illinois University
Citation: For stellar leadership in science policy and advocacy, and for promoting and mentoring early-career physicists.
Nominated by: FPS