APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Mark B. Chadwick [2009]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For significant and innovative contributions to applied nuclear physics, including medical radiation therapy, nonproliferation, homeland security, the physics of nuclear weapons, and especially to development of the modern ENDF/B-VII data base.
Nominated by: DNP

Donald G. Crabb [2009]
University of Virginia
Citation: For his contributions to the use of high field polarized targets and development of high polarization and radiation resistant polarized target materials and his role in using them in seminal particle physics experiments and advancing the knowledge of the behavior in high intensity beams.
Nominated by: DNP

Bradley Filippone [2009]
California Institute of Technology
Citation: In recognition of his many contributions to nuclear astrophysics, nucleon spin structure, nuclear interactions at short distances, and fundamental symmetries and especially the development of experimental techniques to meet these challenges.
Nominated by: DNP

Carl J. Gross [2009]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For enabling the studies of most exotic atomic nuclei through the invention and implementation of novel experimental methods.
Nominated by: DNP

Van Isacker [2009]
Citation: For his fearless confrontation of transitional nuclei using graded Lie Algebras, g-bosons, gamma deformations and nuclear chaos leading to interrelations of bands in even-even, odd-even and odd-odd nuclei and predictions of nuclear masses beyond the valley of stability.
Nominated by: DNP

Spencer Klein [2009]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering studies of quantum-mechanical interference effects in coulomb interactions between highly-charged nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies, and in the suppression of bremsstrahlung in electron scattering from dense media.
Nominated by: DNP

Gail C. McLaughlin [2009]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For her work in elucidating the role of neutrinos in nucleosynthesis in supernovae and black hole accretion disks, and for her studies of the potential of low energy beta-beams in neutrino physics.
Nominated by: DNP

Ulf G. Meissner [2009]
Universitaet of Bonn
Citation: For leading the development of chiral perturbation theory with baryons, including many pioneering and successful predictions for the interactions of nucleons with photons, pions, and other nucleons.
Nominated by: DNP

Rory A. Miskimen [2009]
University of Massachusetts
Citation: For his leadership in the field of experimental electromagnetic nuclear physics, especially in studies of nucleon structure and low energy QCD.
Nominated by: DNP

Shelley A. Page [2009]
University of Manitoba
Citation: For her leading role in a series of sequential hadronic parity violation experiments designed to elucidate the interplay of the weak and strong interactions in hadronic systems.
Nominated by: DNP

Dan Shapira [2009]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the study of nuclear collisions: the discovery of nuclear orbiting, pioneering measurements of the space-time extent of particle-emitting sources, and seminal studies of fusion with n-rich exotic beams, and for development of innovative instrumentation to enable these studies.
Nominated by: DNP

Lee G. Sobotka [2009]
Washington University in St. Louis
Citation: For his contributions to the understanding of complex nuclear reactions, most notably the production of intermediate mass fragments, and for the creation of novel detector systems and signal processing technologies for both basic and applied nuclear science.
Nominated by: DNP

Thomas Ullrich [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For his leading contributions to the study of electrons, and hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
Nominated by: DNP

Nu Xu [2009]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For important contributions to the observation of partonic collectivity.
Nominated by: DNP