APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Paul Murray Bellan [1991]
California Institute of Technology
Citation: For seminal experimental and theoretical work in novel current drive schemes, such as spheromak and AC helicity injection, as well as basic plasma physics, such as Lower Hybrid and Drift Waves.
Nominated by: DPP

Chio Z. Cheng [1991]
National Cheng Kung University
Citation: For original work in the investigation of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities important in fusion plasmas, and the modification of these instabilities by high energy particles.
Nominated by: DPP

Philip Charles Efthimion [1991]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Citation: For significant contributions in several areas of plasma physics including free-electron lasers, wave absorption and emission at the electron cyclotron frequency, and tokamak plasma transport.
Nominated by: DPP

Kenneth Ivan Golden [1991]
University of Vermont
Citation: For pioneering work in the theory of dynamical processes in strongly coupled plasmas; for extending the theory to the analysis of binary ion mixtures and of two dimensional electron systems; for contributions to the theory of the structure of shock waves in magnetized plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Celso Grebogi [1991]
Affiliation not available
Citation: For contributions to the fundamental aspects and significant applications of chaotic dynamics, and in the development of novel and effective computer techniques for the numerical study of dynamical systems.
Nominated by: DPP

Adil B. Hassam [1991]
University of Maryland
Citation: For contributions toward widening our understanding of plasmas from a fluid viewpoint as applied to dissipative magnetohydrodynamics and systems of intermediate magnetization.
Nominated by: DPP

Jean-Noel Georges Leboeuf [1991]
JNL Scientific
Citation: For pioneering development of new classes of methods for using super-computers to model the physics of complex dynamical systems in fusion plasma experiments and in magnetospheric and astrophysical domains.
Nominated by: DPP

Kevin M. Mcguire [1991]
Affiliation not available
Citation: For his contribution to the experimental study of MHD activity in tokamak plasmas, and the observation of the interaction of fast particles and MHD modes which led to the discovery of the fishbone instability.
Nominated by: DPP

Shih-Tung Tsai [1991]
Affiliation not available
Citation: For outstanding contributions to basic plasma research, especially concerning the magnetohydrodynamic instability of plasmas with energetic particles, and for his signal leadership in promoting plasma physics in the People's Republic of China and other developing nations.
Nominated by: DPP

Friedrich Wagner [1991]
Max Planck Institute
Citation: For leading many important and novel investigations of toroidal plasma confinement. His discovery and investigations of the H-mode regime of plasma confinement have been of particular importance.
Nominated by: DPP

Ellen Gould Zweibel [1991]
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Citation: For major theoretical contributions to plasma astrophysics, including pioneering studies of evolution of solar- coronal magnetic fields forced by photospheric motions and of magnetic reconnection in the galactic interstellar medium.
Nominated by: DPP