Letter to APS Community Regarding Conflict in Israel and Gaza


To Our APS Community,

As members of the APS Board Executive Committee, we understand many in the physics community have close ties to scientists in Israel and Gaza and share their shock and grief at the recent horrifying attacks. We deplore the loss of innocent lives and reaffirm our support for the rights and freedoms for all people, everywhere, as stated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

APS will continue to support the human and professional rights of scientists in all countries and encourage conscientious and responsible action to protect those rights. Part of the APS mission is to further international scientific cooperation, including through organizations such as SESAME, a cooperative venture by scientists and governments in the Middle East devoted to fostering mutual understanding and tolerance through international cooperation in science. In doing so, APS underscores the tenets of its Statement on the International Nature of Science and International Scientific Cooperation [1].

[1] APS Statement 21.1: The International Nature of Science and International Scientific Cooperation

Robert Rosner, APS President
Young-Kee Kim, APS President-Elect
Frances Hellman, APS Past President
David Seiler, APS Treasurer
Robert McKeown, Speaker of the APS Council
Jonathan A. Bagger, APS Chief Executive Officer