Nomination Form Job Description

Duties of the Presidential Line

  1. Officers: The statutory Officers of the Society are the President, the President Elect, the Vice President, the Executive Officer, the Treasurer, and the Editor in Chief. The President, the President Elect, and the Vice President shall assume office as hereinafter provided. The Executive Officer, the Treasurer, and the Editor in Chief are the Operating Officers. They shall be elected by the Council as specified in the Bylaws.
  2. Duties of the President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and the Board of Directors. The President shall make public statements on behalf of the Council and shall represent the Society externally. The President shall perform such other functions as may be explicitly provided in the Constitution or the Bylaws or as may be mandated by Council. The President shall deliver an address at the Annual Meeting following the year of presidential service.
  3. Duties of the President Elect: The President Elect shall act in place of the President if the latter is unable to perform his or her duties. The President Elect shall perform such other functions as may be explicitly provided in the Constitution or the Bylaws.
  4. Duties of the Vice-President:  The Vice-President shall act in place of the President-Elect if the latter is unable to perform his or her duties. The Vice-President shall perform such other functions as may be explicitly provided in the Constitution or the Bylaws.

(Excerpt from Article V, APS Constitution)

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Duties of the Council

1. Governance. The Society shall be governed by the Council, which sets policy and has the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the Society.

2.  Duties. The functions of the Council shall include the following:

  • Elect the members of the Board of Directors.
  • Elect the Operating Officers, which are the Executive Officer, the Treasurer, and the Editor in Chief.
  • Review the actions of the Board of Directors and the Operating Officers.
  • Approve the annual budget.
  • Set membership dues.
  • Authorize and review public policy statements by the Society.
  • Authorize studies sponsored by the Society. Elect Fellows.
  • Authorize the establishment of committees to advise the Council, Board of Directors, and Officers on policy and operations of the Society.
  • Authorize the establishment of new units of the Society, including Divisions, Topical Groups, Forums, and Sections, and review their operations.
  • Establish new Prizes and Awards.
  • Propose amendments to the Constitution and approve amendments to the Bylaws.
  • When and if appropriate, recall members of the Executive Board, or dissolve any committee or unit of the Society.
  • Take action in circumstances not foreseen by the Constitution.
  • When and if appropriate, dissolve the Society.

2. Composition. The Council shall consist of the President, the President Elect, the Vice President, the most recent Past President, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, the Chairperson of the Panel on Public Affairs, who is elected by Council according to procedures specified in the Bylaws, the Operating Officers (Executive Officer, Treasurer, Editor in Chief), and Councillors: eight General Councillors, one International Councillor, whose primary residence is outside the United States, and Councillors representing the Divisions, Forums and Sections. The value of the percentage X which appears in other Articles and affects the composition of Council, shall be determined by Council and specified in the Bylaws. There may sit with the Council as advisors such persons as Council deems desirable.

3. Council Meetings. The Council shall meet at least twice each year. One such meeting shall be designated the Elections Meeting and shall be held at a date determined by Council and specified in the Bylaws. Additional meetings of the Council shall be scheduled if called by the President or if requested by at least one quarter of its membership. Council meetings shall be open to members of the Society, except during periods when the President shall declare an Executive Session. The President of the Society shall preside over the Council meetings. The presence of a majority of the voting members, including at least three Officers, shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Officer shall promptly send a summary of actions taken at meetings of both the Council and the Board of Directors to all members of the Council.

(Excerpt from Article IV, APS Constitution)

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Duties of the Nominating Committee

2. Nominating Committee. The membership of the Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, a Chairperson Elect, the most recent Past Chairperson, the most recent Past President, and an additional six members elected by Council to staggered three-year terms, not more than two of whom may be Councillors. The Chairperson Elect shall be elected annually by ballots cast electronically or by mail as described in Article VII.5. The Chairperson Elect shall serve a one year term, a second one year term as Chairperson, and a third one year term as most recent past Chairperson. The Chairperson shall serve concomitantly as a voting member of the Council. The Committee shall prepare a slate of at least two candidates for each of the positions of Vice President, Chairperson Elect of the Nominating Committee, and for the vacant positions of General Councillor for election by the membership. It shall also prepare a slate of at least two candidates for each of those positions for election to constitutional and standing committees for which this is required by the Constitution and Bylaws. The Committee shall meet at least once a year to determine the slates for election.

 (Excerpt from Article VI, APS Constitution)

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Duties of the Panel on Public Affairs (POPA)

1.     Panel on Public Affairs. - The membership of the Panel on Public Affairs (POPA) shall consist of a Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Vice-Chairperson, immediate Past Chairperson, the Vice President, the Chair of the Physics Policy Committee, the Congressional Fellow(s) in the second year following the year of service, and fourteen members elected by Council to staggered three-year terms. In addition, the Forum on Physics and Society shall elect one person every three years to serve on POPA for a three-year term. The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by Council and shall serve in that office for one year, then as Chairperson-Elect for one year, then as Chairperson for one year, and then as most recent Past-Chairperson for one year. There shall be a Steering Committee consisting of the Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect, the Vice-Chairperson, the Vice-President, the Chair of the Physics Policy Committee, and two members of the Panel elected from among and by the members of the Panel. The Panel on Public Affairs shall be responsible for making recommendations to the President, the Executive Board and the Council on public affairs activities of the Society designated by the Executive Board or Council. The Steering Committee may investigate new public affairs activities for the Society and may recommend new programs to the Council. POPA and its Steering Committee shall keep minutes and distribute them to the members of the Panel and to the Council.

(Excerpt from Article III, Section B, APS Constitution)

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