APS News

April 2010 (Volume 19, Number 4)

APS 2010 Prize and Award Recipients

Prize and Award Recipients at APS "April" Meeting

prizes and awards web lrge
Photo by James Tkatch

At the "April" Meeting in February, APS President Curtis Callan presented certificates to many of the 2010 APS Prize and Award recipients. The recipients (including one from the American Institute of Physics) posed with President Callan after the ceremonial session. Seated (l to r): Moishe Pripstein, Gustav-Adolf Voss (AIP), Ronald K. Thornton, Priscilla Laws, Calem R. Hoffman, Stephen G. Brush, Claus Rolfs. Standing (l to r): Gerald S. Guralnik, Abdul Nayyar, T. W. B. Kibble, Joseph Birman, Carl R. Hagen, Herman Winick, Herman B. White, David Sokoloff, Eugene W. Beier, John Peoples, Jr., Curtis G. Callan, Tingjun Yang, Steven C. Pieper, Robert B. Wiringa, Frans Pretorius, Robert Brout, Pervez Hoodbhoy, François Englert.