Prize Recipient

Recipient Picture

Gabriele Bozzola
California Institute of Technology


"For developing numerous open-source computational tools to conduct dynamical general relativistic simulations both with and without magnetized matter, and for spearheading simulations of binary black holes with U(1) charge, thereby establishing the first-ever constraints on the charge of black holes using LIGO/Virgo detections."


Gabriele graduated summa cum laude with his bachelor's and master's degrees in Physics at the University of Milan (Italy) in 2015 and 2017. In 2023, he obtained his PhD from the University of Arizona with a disseration in the field numerical relativity advised by Prof. Vasileios Paschaldis. During his PhD, Gabriele was a NASA Future Investigator for Space Science and a Texas Advanced Center for Computing Frontera fellow. Gabriele's PhD work focused on studying the non-linear interaction between extreme gravitational and electromagnetic fields. On the side, Gabriele developed and supported open-source codes for the scientific community.