APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Leon M. Balents [2013]
University of California, Santa Barbara
Citation: For the theory of new topological quantum phases of electrons in condensed matter.
Nominated by: DCMP

Premala Chandra [2013]
Rutgers University
Citation: For contributions to the theory of frustrated antiferromagnets and glasses, ferroelectrics and heavy fermion materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Alejandro L. De Lozanne [2013]
University of Texas
Citation: For spectroscopic imaging of complex materials using scanning tunneling microscopy.
Nominated by: DCMP

Marija Drndic [2013]
University of Pennsylvania
Citation: For development of novel nanofabrication methods for graphene nanoelectronics and fast biomolecular analysis in solution.
Nominated by: DCMP

Paul Fendley [2013]
University of Virginia
Citation: For applying the mathematics of integrable systems to low dimensional systems, including spin chains and fractional quantum Hall states.
Nominated by: DCMP

Alexander Finkelstein [2013]
Texas A&M University, College Station
Citation: For the theory of the metal-insulator transition in interacting disordered systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Thierry Giamarchi [2013]
University of Geneva
Citation: For elucidating the role of interactions and disorder in low dimensional classical and quantum systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

David Grier [2013]
New York University
Citation: For development of the techniques of holographic trapping and optical microscopy and their use in condensed matter physics.
Nominated by: DCMP

Zahid Hasan [2013]
Princeton University
Citation: For the experimental discovery of three dimensional topological insulators.
Nominated by: DCMP

Alex Kamenev [2013]
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Citation: For advancing the methods of quantum kinetic theory.
Nominated by: DCMP

Adam Kaminski [2013]
Iowa State University
Citation: For angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies of unconventional superconductors.
Nominated by: DCMP

James M. Kikkawa [2013]
University of Pennsylvania
Citation: For optical spectroscopy of excitations in nanomaterials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Seunghun Lee [2013]
University of Virginia
Citation: For contributions towards understanding spin and orbital physics in geometrically frustrated magnets using neutron scattering.
Nominated by: DCMP

Yoonseok Lee [2013]
University of Florida
Citation: For high-precision ultrasound measurements in quantum liquids, and discovery of the acoustic Faraday effect and broken spin-orbit symmetry in superfluid 3He-B.
Nominated by: DCMP

John B. Marston [2013]
Brown University
Citation: For contributions to the theory of quantum magnetism and to the statistics of fluid systems driven far away from equilibrium.
Nominated by: DCMP

Hedi M. Mattoussi [2013]
Florida State University
Citation: For development of concepts to interface inorganic nano-particles with biological systems, with impact on nanomaterials and biotechnology.
Nominated by: DCMP

Roman G. Mints [2013]
Tel Aviv University
Citation: For contributions to the theory of critical state in type-II superconductors, and prediction of non-quantized flux of Josephson vortices on grain boundaries in high-Tc cuprates.
Nominated by: DCMP

Joel E. Moore [2013]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For fundamental contributions to electronic structure theory of topological insulators.
Nominated by: DCMP

John J. Neumeier [2013]
Montana State University
Citation: For experiments on strongly correlated electron materials, and the development of ultrahigh-resolution thermal expansion measurements to study phase transitions in quantum materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Elisa Riedo [2013]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For atomic force microscopy studies of nanoscale friction, liquid structure and nanotube elasticity, and the invention of thermochemical nanolithography.
Nominated by: DCMP

Stephan Rosenkranz [2013]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of strongly correlated electron systems using neutron and x-ray scattering.
Nominated by: DCMP

Donna Sheng [2013]
California State University
Citation: For insights into topological and strongly correlated phases of matter using computational methods.
Nominated by: DCMP

Makariy A. Tanatar [2013]
Iowa State University
Citation: For studies of the superconducting and normal states of unconventional superconductors using directional charge and heat transport measurements.
Nominated by: DCMP

Senthil Todadri [2013]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For insights into exotic phases of matter and phase transitions beyond the Landau paradigm.
Nominated by: DCMP

James M. Valles [2013]
Brown University
Citation: For experimental contributions to the understanding of the relationship between structure and the 2-dimensional superconducting-insulating transition.
Nominated by: DCMP

Jan Van Ruitenbeek [2013]
University of Leiden
Citation: For studies of the transport properties of small junctions and molecules.
Nominated by: DCMP

Ashvin Vishwanath [2013]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For fundamental contributions to theory of quantum phase transitions and topological phenomena in quantum matter.
Nominated by: DCMP

Willem L. Vos [2013]
University of Twente
Citation: For contributions to our understanding of multiple scattering of light in photonic band gap crystals and random media.
Nominated by: DCMP

Hai-Hu Wen [2013]
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Citation: For investigations of unconventional pairing mechanisms in high temperature superconductors and elucidation of their vortex dynamics.
Nominated by: DCMP