Prize Recipient

Recipient Picture

Tetsuji Miwa
Kyoto University


"For profound developments in integrable systems and their correlation functions in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, making use of quantum groups, algebraic analysis and deformation theory."


Dr. Miwa graduated from Univeristy of Tokyo in 1971, got diploma in Mathematics from University of Tokyo in 1973, and PhD from Kyoto University in 1981. In 1973, he moved to the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University and joined the activity of the Sato school. He collaborated with Mikio Sato and Michio Jimbo on the isomonodromic deformation theory and its application to the 2-dimensional Ising model. Dr. Miwa is widely recognized by his work on solitons and exactly solvable lattice models in connection with the representation theory of the affine Lie algebras, and on correlation functions of quantum spin chains in connection with the representation theory of the quantum affine algebras. These works are joint works with Jimbo, with whom he was awarded the Heineman prize. Since 1993 he is Professor at Kyoto University, in RIMS (~2000) and in Math Department (2000~). He was awarded the autumn prize of the Mathematical Society of Japan, and Asahi prize, both jointly with Jimbo.

Selection Committee:

Gary Horowitz, Chair; C.K. Zachos; H. Spohn; R. Wald; J. Polchinski