APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Jerry M. Chow [2021]
IBM Quantum
Citation: For seminal scientific contributions to the field of superconducting quantum computing, and for enabling quantum computing to a broad research audience via Cloud accessible devices.
Nominated by: DQI

Andrew Houck [2021]
Princeton University
Citation: For key contributions to the development and optimization of modern superconducting qubits, the advancement of circuit quantum electrodynamics as a platform for quantum information processing, and pioneering experimental work on quantum simulation of photonic many-body systems.
Nominated by: DQI

Kohei Itoh [2021]
Keio University
Citation: For pioneering research on silicon and diamond isotope engineering that radically accelerated the development of silicon quantum computers and diamond quantum sensors.
Nominated by: DQI

Geoff Pryde [2021]
Griffith University
Citation: For pioneering developments and advancements in photonic quantum information science, photonic entanglement-enhanced metrology, loss-tolerant quantum protocols for entanglement distribution, and the study of quantum correlations and quantum measurement.
Nominated by: DQI

Michelle Yvonne Simmons [2021]
University of New South Wales
Citation: For inventing a radical technology for building atomic-scale devices, and for pioneering their use in the creation of precision atom qubits in silicon.
Nominated by: DQI

Bei Zeng [2021]
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Citation: For pioneering work and contributions in quantum information science (QIS), including error correction and fault-tolerance, many-body entanglement, quantum tomography, quantum marginals, and QIS applications in quantum matter, and for her long-term contribution to QIS services and education.
Nominated by: DQI