Physics InSight Slide Show - November 2018

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Slides 1 - 7

Slide 1: Physics Insight Slide Show Home
Physics InSight Slideshow

Slide 2: Physicist Profile: Bonnie Fleming
Physicist Profile: Bonnie Fleming

Slide 3: Bonnie's Work: NeutrinosBonnie's Work: Neutrinos

Slide 4: Think PhDs Only Research and Teach?
Think PhDs Only Research and Teach?

Slide 5: APS Conf. for Undergrad Women (CUWiP)
APS Conf. for Undergrad Women (CUWiP)

Slide 6: Physicist Profile: Debbie Berebichez
Physicist Profile: Debbie Berebichez

Slide 7: Doing the Neutron (Star) Dance
Doing the Neutron (Star) Dance  

Slides 8 - 14

Slide 8: Physicist Profile: Kathy McCormick
Physicist Profile: Kathy McCormick

Slide 9: Kathy’s Work: Radiation Detection
Kathy’s Work: Radiation Detection

Slide 10: APS Job CenterAPS Job Center

Slide 11: Appliance Science: Dishwashers
Appliance Science: Dishwashers

Slide 12: SPS Intern: Tabitha Colter
SPS Intern: Tabitha Colter

Slide 13: APS Professional Guidebook
APS Professional Guidebook

Slide 14: Physics Gives You Major Skills!
Physics Gives You Major Skills!