APS News

Special Features

Ask the Ethicist

Editor's Note: Please send ethical questions for Jordan Moiers or comments to: ethics@aps.org, or by mail to Jordan Moiers, c/o APS News, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740. Contributors should identify themselves, but their names and addresses will be held strictly confidential unless they request otherwise. The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of either APS or APS News.

The fine ethical points of recommendation letters
Pondering a Possible Retraction Infraction
Publication Déjà vu
Grad student troubled by professor's blocking student publishing
Navigating the murky waters of intellectual property policies.
Manuscript wrongfully published
Data manipulation detected by coworker
A real dilemma...
Having to include managers as co-authors
APS News unveils a new column devoted to questions of ethics.
Micro electro mechanical systems: pyrite or pure gold?