APS News

March 2013 (Volume 22, Number 3)

Sorters Meet for Assorted Meetings

April Meetings sorters


Sorters meeting two

Photos by Michael Lucibella

On two recent occasions, groups of physicists assembled at APS headquarters in College Park to sort abstracts for upcoming meetings. On January 18, twenty-two April Meeting sorters met, and on February 4 it was the turn of 16 sorters for the DAMOP Meeting. In the upper picture, sorters Tatjana Curcic (Air Force Office for Scientific Research), Georg Raithel (University of Michigan), and Randy Hulet (Rice University) put DAMOP abstracts in order, while in the lower photo, Amitabh Lath (Rutgers University) and Kaustubh Agashe (University of Maryland) decide the fate of an April Meeting abstract.