National Mentoring Community: Supporting Diversity in Physics
National Mentoring Community


Mentee Benefits

Through the National Mentoring Community, APS is committed to the success of historically marginalized and minoritized students in physics and related fields by facilitating meaningful mentoring relationships and providing a community of support. As an NMC mentee, you will receive support, resources, and guidance from an experienced mentor working in physics who can assist you throughout your education and career.

The NMC is open to all undergraduate and graduate students but seeks to center students who identify as Black/African American, Latinx, and Indigenous.

Learn more about becoming an NMC mentee

Testimonials from Mentees

[The NMC program] opened my chances for opportunities I thought I would never have. I mean that with the deepest sincerities.

[The NMC program]  connected me to other physicists and afforded me [the] visibility of our diversity. Physicists get typecast into a certain demeanor, look, and nature, but NMC brought together various physicists of all types. It bolstered the self-confidence that I had knowing that we are unified by the pursuit of answers, but otherwise diverse.


For questions, please contact the APS NMC team.