APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Taihyun Chang [2010]
Pohang University of Science & Technology
Citation: For his innovative applications of chromatographic techniques for trailblazing and exquisite molecular characterization and separation of the full range of polymers of contemporary interest.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Kookheon Char [2010]
Seoul National University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to assembly of polymers in thin films leading to fundamental new insights and applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics
Nominated by: DPOLY

Ali Dhinojwala [2010]
University of Akron
Citation: Development of surface sensitive techniques to study polymeric surfaces and interfaces to understand properties such as adhesion, friction, and wetting.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Hiroshi Jinnai [2010]
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Citation: For elucidating the three-dimensional morphology of complex polymer systems by transmission electron microtomography.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Peter Olmsted [2010]
University of Leeds
Citation: For theoretical understanding of flow-induced instabilities in polymers and complex fluids.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Anchang Shi [2010]
McMaster University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the theoretical study of phases and phase transitions of block copolymers.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Sindee Simon [2010]
Texas Technical University
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding of the thermal and mechanical properties of bulk and nanostructured polymeric glasses.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Richard Vaia [2010]
Air Force Institute of Technology
Citation: For seminal contributions towards the fundamental understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics of polymer nanocomposite formation; the impact of nanoparticles on polymer dynamics, crystallization and elastomer network properties; and the development of relevant structure-property correlations ensuring the translation of the physics of polymer nanocomposites to commercial technologies.
Nominated by: DPOLY