91.3 The Rise of Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union

Archived Statement

The Council of the American Physical Society expresses its deep concern over the apparent upsurge of anti-semitism in the USSR, and in particular its impact on the freedom of scientists to pursue their work in the Soviet Union. Information received from sources and colleagues within the USSR indicates that Jewish scientists and Jews in general are being targeted, intimidated and beaten by members of reactionary organizations.

  • APS condemns harassment of scientists based on their religious beliefs or ethnic origin;
  • We call upon the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the scientific societies within the USSR to join us in condemning such acts; and
  • We ask that the government of the Soviet Union and the republics take steps to protect their citizens from harassment and persecution based on religious beliefs or ethnic origins.

Adopted by the Council on January 20, 1991
Category: Human Rights

APS Statements

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