Physics InSight Slide Show - February 2018

Click here to download this edition of the slideshow.

Slides 1 - 7

Slide 1: Physics Insight Slide Show Home
Physics InSight Slideshow

Slide 2: Physicist Profile: Ramón Barthelemy
Physicist Profile: Ramon Barthelemy

Slide 3: Ramón's Work: Advocacy and Research
Ramon’s Work: Advocacy and Research

Slide 4: Physics Grads Can Do Engineering, Too
Physics BS Grads Can Do Engineering, Too

Slide 5: APS Online Professional Guidebook
APS Online Professional Guidebook

Slide 6: 2015 SPS Intern: Brean Prefontaine
2015 SPS Intern: Brean Prefontaine

Slide 7: Freaky Flames!
Freaky Flames!   

Slides 8 - 14

Slide 8: Physicist Profile: Christina Barrow
Physicist Profile: Christina Barrow

Slide 9: Christina's Work: Medical Physics (IMR)
Christina's Work: Medical Physics (IMR)

Slide 10: APS Vector
APS Vector

Slide 11: C’mon and Shake Your Tail Fin!
C’mon and Shake Your Tail Fin!

Slide 12: Physicist Profile: Debbie Berebichez
Physicist Profile: Debbie Berebichez

Slide 13: Future of Physics Days 2018Future of Physics Days 2018

Slide 14: A Physics BS Really Pays!
A Physics BS Really Pays!